Archive for the ‘nurse loves…’ Category


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

Chapter 12 is particularly inspiring…

Ming: the last concert.

Sunday, March 5th, 2006

Snapshots festival: Brussels based label run by Quix.

Plastic Food

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

Nourish a passion for plastic giant…

Just visiting

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

ers en squelette
C-boy and Huey come round for tea in their new hand-made outfits.


Monday, February 6th, 2006

Berlin patterns and repetitions…


the fall concert

Monday, January 30th, 2006


So excited all week!! I’m off to see The Fall.
Poetry performances and lectures started the evening off, and then the most fantastic concert of the year (ok I know its only january but anyway): The Fall, at Petrol venue, Antwerpen.
Mark E. Smith looked like the boss of a transport company, with his black trousers, white shirt and polished shoes.
He came on stage, said nothing, and after the intro he started muttering lyrics into a bout 4 different mics, at times dropping one or the other, sometimes fiddling at the amp and other times at the synth.
I stood up front just beneath the stage, and danced a lot….luckely the girls next to me where going insane too, as the rest of the crowd was being far too boring. There was an amazing instrumental bit near to the end, something indescriptible, beween rock, electro, metal and goth, very weird!

the fall

Unfortunatly straight after the band had walked off stage, the sound guys put a bloody CD on, really loud, and so having had no time to digest the sounds of the Fall, they were simply wipped out of my head…not very poetic at all.