9/11/2007 – 26/01/2008, Galerie Les filles du Calvaire, Brussels
curated by Edith Doove invitated by Lilou Vidal.
Groupe show: Peter Hulsmans, Heidi Voet, Nathalie Hunter, Mira Sanders, Benoit Platéus,Sophie Nys, Harrisson, Emmanuelle Villard, Edith Dekyndt, Nurse, Jimena Kato Murami, Elke Boon, Pieter Vermeersch.
Benoit Platéus, Harrisson and Nurse collaborated to create “Revue”, an assemblage of A4 sheets forming a grid and layout for a possible book.
The A4 sheets were worked on by each collaborator and sometimes passed on to one another.
The mediums used were photographic images, photocopy, scans, drawings, collages, spray-paint and typography.
Benoit Platéus, Harrisson, Nurse
“Revue”, 2007
The installaling of the show and interviews of the participants was recorded live by Thierry Ginécot for his radio programme “Par ouïe dire” diffused on the RTBF radio.